

2017-2018 Mundo Senior.
Project focused on designing tools for providing system support for agencies promoting active aging.
Role: Researcher
Project's principal investigators (PIs): PhD. Carolina Bonacic
2016-2018 Enhancing learning and teaching for future competences of online inquiry in multiple domains (iFuCo).
Joint project Academy of Finland and CONICYT.
Consortium: University of Turku, University of Tampere, University of Jyvaskyla, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Universidad Católica de Chile.
Role: Co-PI in Chile and Site Leader
Project's principal investigators (PIs) in Finland and Chile: Prof. Marja Vauras (Faculty of Education, University of Turku) and Ass.Prof. Mario Quintanilla (Universidad Católica de Chile).
2015-2017 Evaluation of Gestural Interfaces for Indidivual and Collaborative Interactions with Digital Information Objects (ENCHANT). DYCYT-USACH. Role: PI
2014 Real-Time Web Observatories for Ciclyng Safety. PMI-USA, USACH. Role: Co-PI
Project's principal investigators (PIs): PhD. Carolina Bonacic